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Useful links and resources

Mechanism of protein synthesis by the ribosome

Excellent primer on the workings of the ribsome.

Not voodoo

General tips for organic synthesis. Many useful suggestions about a broad range of topics.


Spectral database for organic compounds. Many NMR and MS examples for known compounds. Very useful for comparing analogous new compounds.

Nucleic acid sequence massager

Very simple but useful tool for manipulating sequences, such as reversing, complementation, converting DNA to RNA, etc.


Calculate melting points for primer sequences, and check for self-complementarity.

Thermo Multiple primer analyzer

Check multiple primers for overlap and mis-priming.

Expasy translate tool

Convert nucleic acid sequence to peptide sequence

Expasy protparam tool

Calculate properties like mass and extinction from amino acid sequence


Database of mass spectrometry deviations for biomolecules

Free clip art

Free clip art and images that can be used without attribution when creating figures.

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